PROJECT DETAILS: This was created for a college course final project. The assignment called for a commercial that would be viewed on television and run for thirty-five (35) seconds or less. We were required to record new footage, include music, sound effects, and have a slogan appear within the commercial.
CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS: Storyboards and script writing were essential to this project, as well as clean transistions between frames. I was approved to create a dog food commercial and researching these to figure out what were the most important pieces necessary to a successful commercial was a lot of fun! I quickly had a notepad full of things that I needed to include--everything from what shots worked best for puppy food commercials, to how to list the ingredients within the food itself via a voiceover.
One of the most challenging parts was actually working with my young puppy, Aika, in order to get the footage I wanted. It helped that I knew her daily routine so I was able to capture her sleeping, playing, and eating (of course), but it took quite a few takes (I almost included a blooper-reel as a separate video just for laughs). After getting all of the footage edited and lined up with my voiceover according to my storyboards, I simply had to add the happy-go-lucky music track and call it complete. The final result is the commercial you can view above, hosted on YouTube. I certainly learned a lot about video editing in the class and I still adore this commercial.
SKILLS/PROGRAMS USED: I handled all footage that was collected, edited, and produced as well as all the sound effects and the voiceover. The main audio track music was provided by AudioBlocks. The voiceover was recorded with Apple Voice Memos, and the video was produced and rendered using Adobe Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder.