This assignment required a minimum of three raw photos showcasing a view that would look best once all photos were combined into a manual HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo. I chose to capture the sunset and create a HDR photo to showcase the colors.
I utilized Photoshop’s “Automate, Merge to HDR Pro” function to compile all four of my images into one photo. After the program was done, I moved my sliders around until I had the best photo possible. Here is where my sliders ended up:
Comments and Concerns: Texas has the best sunsets and when I read the instructions for this assignment I knew this would be perfect opportunity to capture a sunset. After learning what time sunset would be for the day, I walked to a busy corner in my neighborhood and set up my tripod, then waited for the best colors to appear. My initial idea was to silhouette the trees, but I like how the HDR captured their fall foliage colors, so I left them in the photo. I played with the settings a bit to bring out the sunset colors and I removed the streetlight using Photoshop.